Norton Point Dune Restoration Tour
Join Trustees Lead Coastal Ecologist Russ Hopping for a tour of the dune restoration site at Norton Point Beach. The project launched in late 2021, after the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) awarded a $240,674 grant to the Town of Edgartown, to restore the primary coastal dune on South Beach and Norton Point Beach, relocate one of three bathhouses 50 feet inland, and remove an asphalt lot. The Trustees and Dukes County are project partners in this restoration work. Ultimately the project aims to strengthen the resiliency of the beach while also protecting public access and habitat. On Trustees-managed Norton Point Beach this involved restoring the primary dune, planting native beach grass and moving the over-sand vehicle (OSV) trail further inland, away from a vulnerable position.
The first half of the presentation will take place at the entrance to the beach, while the second half will be a longer, more strenuous walk down the beach and OSV road—please wear appropriate shoes and be prepared for soft, sandy conditions.
5-5:30PM: Hear an overview of the dune restoration project—how this work began, and why.
5:30-6:00: Walk further out onto the beach to see more of the restoration site, and hear details on the modeling and process behind the adaptation as well as plans to extend the resiliency work further east.
This site tour will start promptly at 5:00PM near the parking area on Atlantic Avenue. Please meet the group near the intersection of Katama Road and Atlantic Drive. Parking is available along Atlantic Ave.
Rain Date Thurs 5/12