Climate Solutions


This section offers more information on the specifics of how we can, as an island, reduce our carbon footprint and what you can do to help.

Climate Solutions Series

In the fall of 2019 and winter of 2020, ICAN organized a series of “Climate Solutions” talks with various islanders with expertise in topics related to the goal of reaching 100% Renewable by 2040.

Here are some of the talks as pdfs and links to the recordings of the talks on MVTV:
100% Renewable MV talk
Beyond Fossil Fuel Buildings
Powering all Transportation with Electricity

What You Can Do

These pdfs and links offer you further information on the ideas presented on the “What You Can Do” pages.

Climate Solutions videos

Be Emergency Wise
by Russ Hartenstine
Emergency Manager, West Tisbury


Adapt to the Impacts
by Elizabeth Durkee
Oak Bluffs Conservation Agent


100% Renewable MV
by Rob Hannemann
Chair of VSEC


Beyond Fossil Fuel Homes
by Marc Rosenbaum
Engineer, South Mountain Company


Powering All Transportation with Electricity
by Tom Soldini, Engineer; Erik Peckar
Vineyard Power; and Alan Strahler, science professor

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